What has been the evolution of the satellite industry in the face of new consumer demands in the market?
27 August, 2018
How are satellite data captured?
27 August, 2018know the 5 sectors that use them the most.
At present, communication options between companies are increasingly wide and focused on the needs of each sector, where immediacy and uninterrupted connectivity through contingency or backup solutions in their connectivity channels are the main focus of telecommunications companies. However, some factors such as distance, natural disasters and location in remote places like islands, can end these promises of value at any time.
Therefore, given the need for communication without borders, the satellite phone has become an indispensable tool in different economic sectors to connect anywhere in the world and at any time, thanks to the fact that the equipment offer is very varied and It practically covers all types of needs that include voice, text, data and global location via GPS and many times the workplaces are outside the coverage area. Some of these sectors are:
The option of sending short emails, exclusivity in communications for commanders in high-impact operations, coverage in jungle areas and security in election days, are just some of the reasons why the satellite phone, is today a first-hand means in governments.
Another of the most important uses of satellite telephony in the government sector, focuses on emergency situations for rescuers and members of the military forces, since it has become the most reliable alternative to communicate, report, alert and help, due to that the cell phone antenna and networks can be damaged by natural disasters, such as in the case of the collapse of the Minnesota bridge (2007), the earthquake in Chile (2010), and that of Haiti (2010).
The commitment to satellite connectivity for voice has facilitated in recent years some mining processes, such as the location of camps in hard-to-reach areas, the monitoring of workers and machinery in the different extraction processes. That is, the scope of this solution represents a before and after in a company of the sector.
According to the Peruvian media, ‘La Gestión’, the satellite telephone, also, allows to avoid fines thanks to the speed in communication, since, accordingly to the regulations in the mining sector, it is required to report an accident at six hours of occurrence and for the second time at the most seven days, failure to do so generates considerable economic sanctions.
The need to increase the capacity of communications in fleets of ships or submarines without a significant increase in the weight or size of the equipment, is a common denominator in the maritime sector that has been solved thanks to satellite phones, because these allow to establish communications between the port areas and the access routes for the transport of merchandise between countries.
One of the cases to mention, was the initiative of the Cermaq Group at its headquarters in Chile (Multinational dedicated to the production of salmon and trout) when it decided to provide satellite phones in March of this year to its staff in case of natural disasters that may affect the normal development of farming centers in maritime areas.
Oil and gas
Having communication to the public telephony network worldwide from areas without coverage through a satellite telephone has allowed the oil sector to optimize processes such as drilling in deep wells and shallow waters, thanks to the GPS tracking service, high voice quality and battery life offered by this type of equipment on drilling rigs, ships, supply vessels, platforms and lifts, among others.
Compliance with social, environmental and government regulatory safety regulations and making strategic and tactical decisions based on real-time information are some functions that are performed quickly in the infrastructure sector thanks to satellite voice connectivity.
This service is common, in the case of Latin America, in countries such as Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Mexico because the terrestrial infrastructure presents geographical challenges and large and distributed populations and are ideal in civil works for the fulfillment of schedules, the administration of resources, personnel and supplies and strengthen communication with all the companies that participate in the value chain for the successful execution of projects such as personnel, auditors and suppliers.
At AXESS, we have experience in satellite telephony with coverage in remote areas, with some advantages such as Bluetooth, Assistance button for GPS tracking service, national and international calls in prepaid and postpaid plans and text and email messaging services, amongst others, to achieve a better experience between companies according to their needs, with more efficient costs and global connectivity. We have services focused on sectors such as Oil and Gas, Mining, Energy, Infrastructure, Banking, Commerce, Agribusiness and Fisheries where we customize systems according to the requirements of each market, such as business, mobility, contingency (back-up) solutions and more solid solutions such as backhaul for cellular operators.