Satellite Solutions in Natural Disasters
7 October, 2017
Geomagnetic storms can cause telecommunications failures
2 November, 2017The Ku and Ka Satellite Frequency Bands Used in Satellite Communication

Bandas de frecuencia satelital
The exchange of information and messages at a distance through the transmission and reception of signals refers to Telecommunications. Satellite technology is one of the most common and effective ways to achieve this data exchange. Different frequency bands are used in satellite telecommunications, which depend on the type of communication required, but what are they and what are they used for?
The frequency bands are defined as the ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum amongst which are the waves transmitted to and from the satellite antennas, assigned to different uses of radiocommunications such as broadcasting, mobile telephony or radio navigation. The most commonly used frequency bands are C, Ku and Ka, there are also some bands such as X and L.
The Ku band
It has been used for many years and became widespread with the appearance of the Vsats (Very Small Aperture Terminal). The frequency range of the Ku band makes it possible to achieve high efficiency, which can maintain levels of availability above 99.5%. Also, its use allows the use of small equipment, for example, satellite antennas of 74 cm, which reduces its complexity and logistic cost as well as the installation of services.
In the transmission and reception of signals, frequency bands are an important part of telecommunications.
Over time the need arose to use the KU band frequencies since “previously we worked with bands like the C band, which although it provides very high service availability, its efficiencies are not good; this is reflected in that the bandwidths achieved were not high or to produce them became very expensive ”; affirms Pablo Hoyos, vice president of operations and product at AXESS, leading company in satellite solutions. Because of this, the Ku band arrived to improve efficiency and achieve higher bandwidths at a lower cost.
While the Ku frequency band is recommended for any sector that requires high bandwidth, it is suggested to apply it to the oil, financial, mining and energy sectors. Currently, the companies authorized to manufacture satellite antennas work to renew the power with which the signal is received on earth. If the use of the Ku frequency band with HTS satellites becomes more widespread, much greater efficiency could be delivered.
The Ka band
The ka band works with shorter waves and reaches greater efficiencies although the availability of the Ku band is superior to the Ka band. Generally, satellite operators that use the Ka frequency band use mechanisms such as FAP (Fair Access Policy), which means that customers cannot use the channel freely all the time. The uses of the Ka band focus on small businesses and residences. Expert advice on the subject is important to meet the needs of your company, according to the solution and frequency band that fits. (See satellite phone)